During ECQ, we cannot go out of the house to explore the world. But we don’t think that we should also stop dreaming for our next vacation, do you agree?
Here’s what we think you can do to continue your travel goals without leaving your home sweet home, so when we get the green light for travelling, you wouldn’t think of anything else because you know you’re ready.
1. Update your travel bucket list
Probably, some of your goals changed from the last time you created your travel bucket list or you’ve heard a story and got inspired with their pictures of how amazing their experience is. One thing we are sure of, your travel bucket list is your motivator! This is why you keep on traveling, and updating it makes you more excited for your next trip.
2. Start dreaming and planning
You may want to visit the countries where your recently watched K-Drama for the past weeks took place, or probably, you saw something in the internet while endlessly scrolling killing time. Seize this time to think of what’s first and then next on our bucket list. Let’s not skip this because planning for your trip could save both of your time and pocket. Pro tip: saving time and pocket means shorter span of waiting for your next trip!
3. Save up!
We’re about to spend less since we will be staying at home for a month, no malls open for shopping, no restaurants that could serve your cravings, no coffee outside with friends, no parties, nope, nothing! So this is our chance to save more and prepare for our trip once community quarantine is lifted! There’s no specific amount on how much you must save each day or each week, but it depends on where are you going and what’s your plan. You could probably start with a hundred each day on your first week then double it after a week. Start saving, start small.
4. Start booking in advance
Make sure to look for updates, be updated on what’s happening - is the curve flattening? Are positive cases slowing down? If yes, you may start checking on flights, hotels, tours, or even travel essentials for your planned vacation. Booking in advance provides you the luxury of efficiency, get what you need at its best price, seats, rooms, and don’t miss the perks! Skip the line to avoid the hassle! Most likely when everybody has a go signal for travelling, everyone’s going to travel, so better book early.
Feed your traveler soul! Try to do these 4 things to keep your travel goals alive. Remember that you deserve a super relaxing vacation after all this chaos. Stay safe and stay at home, for now.