Application for Extension of Re-entry Permit


Foreign nationals residing in Japan, who wish to leave Japan temporarily and then return during the authorized term of residence, may re-enter Japan without obtaining a visa if they receive in advance a "re-entry permit" from the nearest Regional Immigration Bureau or its branches.

The maximum validity of the re-entry permit is set at "5 years", if it does not exceed the period of stay. In the case of special permanent residents, the maximum validity of the re-enty permit is set at "6 years"

Two types of Re-entry permit are: Multiple which can be used several times within the period of validity and SIngle which is valid for only one time and has to be re-applied once used at the Regional Immigration Bureau.

B. Cases that can and cannot apply for extension of period of validity

Application for extension of re-entry permit within the validity period of the existing re-entry permit. In principle, if the period of validity of the permit has expired, it cannot be extended. If you leave the country on a special re-entry permit, the period of validity cannot be extended.

requirements(All documents issued/prepared in the Philippines must be original except those specifically stated as photocopy.)
  • Broken passport is not accepted. Passports must be signed and must have at least two (2) blank visa pages.
  • Note: In cases where the passport with re-entry permit has already expired, a new passport as well as the passport with re-entry permit must be submitted
  • Note 1: Please be sure to write "reason why you are requesting for extension"
  • Note 2: Application Forms are available at any accredited travel agencies.


For lost passports with re-entry permit, please ask relatives, etc. in Japan to obtain a "Certificate of validity of re-entry Permit" issued by Regional Immigration Office and submit. For delivery of "Certificate of validity of Re-entry Permit" in cases where there is no relative in Japan, please ask the Regional Immigration Office.

The shortest period for the review/examination is two (2) working days (excluding holidays) however, it may take longer depending on the content of the application, thus earlier application is encouraged.

Even if you have an existing multiple re-entry permit, the extended re-entry permit that will be issued by Embassy will no longer be multiple- entry and will be valid for single entry only. Accordingly, after the extended re-entry permit is used to enter Japan, you cannot re-enter Japan withour securiing a new re-entry permit (including special re-entry permit)



  1. Size of document for application should be A4 size only. If document is other size, please submit copy that is already adjusted in A4 size from its original and without staples or pasting pages.
  2. It is applicant's responsibility to ensure that he/she meet the requirements for the grant of a visa. Submission of any supporting documents not listed above is encouraged (e.g. applicant's economic or social ties with the Philippines, urgent reasons for visit: medical certificate, wedding invitation).
  3. Submission of requirements does not guarantee issuance of visa.
  4. If document submitted for application is verified by Embassy or Consular Office as fake or tampered, visa is not issued.
  5. Documents submitted for application will not be returned.
  6. Applicants are given one (1) month to submit additional requirements. Otherwise application will be terminated.
  7. Reason for the denial of visa will not be disclosed even if an inquiry is made. At the same time, if a visa application is denied, applicant may only re-apply for the same purpose after (6) months.

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